Regulament General / General Rules Aici sunt prezentate normele impuse de conducerea noastra.
Here are the rules imposed by our leadership. |
2 5 |
Regulament General
21-07-2016, 12:51 AM by Nigger |
Anunturi Generale / General Announcements Aici gasiti ultimele noutati legate de administratia forumului.
Here you will find the latest news about the forum administration. |
16 213 |
05-02-2023, 06:23 PM by 4eVeR |
Aplica pentru grad / Apply for rank Cererile de acceptare in staff sunt deschise, va asteptam.
Rank requests are available. |
- - |
Plangeri Forum / Complaints Forum Aici poti depunde o plangere unui membru sau moderator din Comunitatea Jucausii.
Here you can complain about a member or a moderator from our community. |
- - |
Diverse / Others Aici ne poti ajuta sau poti fi ajutat, alegerea este a ta.
You can help us or can be helped, is your choice. |
374 3,084 |
[Sugestii] Reparare câtev...
19-10-2023, 09:29 AM by 4eVeR |
Cereri DNS / DNS Requests Detii un server si vrei sa il introduci in comunitate? Aici poti depune o cerere.
Do you own a server and you would like to affiliate it? Here you can post a request. |
198 451 |
[Cerere DNS] Romania.Juca...
08-04-2020, 12:54 AM by Nigger |
Discord | 6 6 |
Regulament Server Discord
17-11-2018, 01:23 AM by 4eVeR |
Half Life admin request
03-12-2021, 12:44 AM by Nigger |
Regulament CS2.JUCAUSII.N...
26-04-2024, 01:42 PM by 4eVeR |
Zona Photoshop / Photoshop Area Aceasta sectiune este destinata designe-ului. Aici se pot face cereri de PS si multe altele.
This section is intended for the design. Here you can make PS requests and more. Moderated By: Designer |
916 4,709 |
[Portofoliu ] NZ .
10-05-2022, 12:14 PM by Blu3HaSky |
Cerere Designer / Request Designer Doresti sa faci parte din echipa de designeri a comunitatii? Poti deschide aici o cerere respectand cerintele minime impuse.
Want to be part of the design team Jucausii community ? You opens a request respecting the minimum requirements. Moderated By: Designer |
63 182 |
[Cerere Designer] AsTr0
17-08-2021, 04:05 PM by 4eVeR |
Lumea jocurilor / The world of games Totul despre jocuri.
All about games.
Moderated By: Helper |
1,830 2,168 |
Extra Golems Mod 1.16.4
08-06-2022, 09:03 AM by KevinCarter |
YouTube Puteti contribui cu videoclip-uri sau puteti posta propuneri pentru canalul nostru de YouTube.
You can contribute with new videoclips or you can post proposals for our YouTube channel. |
5 33 |
Discutii canal
17-08-2021, 04:03 PM by 4eVeR |
Resurse, stiinte si tehnologie / Resources , Science and Technology Ultimele noutati in materie de tehnologie si stiinta.
Latest news in technology and science. Moderated By: IT Man |
564 629 |
YouTube Music și YouTube ...
01-06-2019, 06:58 AM by CRD- |
Totul despre telefoane / Everything about cell phones Aici veti gasit orice informatie necesara pentru orice tip de telefon/tableta.
Here you can find any information about any cell phone/tablet. Moderated By: IT Man |
197 238 |
iOS 13 va aduce o temă în...
18-04-2019, 07:36 AM by Mihai.XD |
Locul Distractiei / Place amusement Ai pofta de o portie de ras? Aici e locul potrivit.
Do you craving a bowl of shaved ? Here is the place. Moderated By: Helper |
1,204 2,016 |
[Sport] Aubameyang va sem...
13-11-2019, 07:44 PM by Ralucutza^Dyavolytza |
Cinema Tot ce este legat de filme, seriale si actori veti gasi aici.
Everything related to movies, series and actors you can find here. Moderated By: Helper |
173 264 |
[Serial] Criminal Minds
24-01-2019, 03:34 PM by B1XX 3D |
Market Vrei sa vinzi, sa schimbi, sau sa cumperi ceva? Intra aici si posteaza.
Nu suntem responsabili in nici un fel de tranzactiile efectuate prin intermediul acestui forum. Moderated By: Helper |
152 578 |
Metoda "dropuri"
09-04-2020, 08:25 PM by 4eVeR |
Discutii Generale / General Discussion Aici se poate discuta orice, limita bunului simt.
You can talk about anything, of course ... the limits of common sense. Moderated By: Helper |
26 305 |
02-05-2020, 12:33 AM by KiDuTzu |
Gunoi / Garbage | 10,063 41,957 |
One Hour, One Night: Conn...
26-12-2024, 02:30 AM by AurKM |
Board Statistics
Who's Online [Complete List] |
87 users active in the past 15 minutes (0 members, 0 of whom are invisible, and 86 guests). |
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Ex-Staff |
IT Man |
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34,033 users active in the past 24 hours (4 members, 0 of whom are invisible, and 34,029 guests). 4eVeR, |
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